On July 6th 2017 Petit Philosophy Association organized, together with Gymnasiumin Sisak, an event within SISUMMA project, called SISUMMA IN SISAK.
For more than 20 participants, several workshops were organized around the town, with a goal of promotion of critical thinking and media literacy as well as public debates on various topic sregarding migration, minorities and civil rights.
We started with Philosophical Cafe workshop at a local coffee bar in the town’s centre. The topic which participants themselves chose to discuss were children’s rights in education and how can were spect them, organize them in practical setting and abide to them with outbreak ingthemourselves, as adults. With more than 20 participants, more than half were under aged teenagers, all attending high school, but also their school principal joined the discussion, as well as some teachers and people from general public.
Second workshop is called Philosophical Walk, which gives the chance to participants to publicly discuss topics which were previously prepared by a facilitator. The topics here were human rights, migration, national minorities rights and media. Participants first were divided in to several groups, walking in the park and discussing the issues which was followed by a big discussion for all participants where they presented and discussed their group assignments.
Last workshop was done in Gymnasium and it was about rock’n’roll music and tolerance, where participants had the chance to express their views on music and also to question in which ways different media influence public opinion and young people as mostly their target group. The discussion touched public policies and influences which rock musicians has, as well as which messages of criticism and tolerance can be transfered through that kind of public discourse.