All the members of the SISUMMA project, Südwind (Austria), Petit Philosophy (Croatia), The Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation (Estonia), The Open Society Foundation (Slovakia) and the Euro Arab Foundation, met in Granada (Spain) on the 4th and 5th of October for the kick-off event.
Their technical coordination meeting took place on the first day and the first SISUMMA Citizens’ Debate on the second at the premises of the Euro Arab Foundation, leader of the project.
Associations from Granada like ASPA, CONGRA-Confederation of NGOs from Granada, Nosotras, Women in zone of conflict (MZC), Granada ACOGE, ASAD, Red de Saberes Instituyentes (University of Granda), Association Pro Human Rights of Andalucía, Teranga GO, Institute of Migrations (University of Granada), and Intercultural Libraries of Andalucía, joined the SISUMMA partners to discuss their expertise and best practices supporting minorities and how to build narratives for diversity thanks to new technologies.
It was a very exciting meeting where SISUMMA’s aims were introduced to the local associations and they were invited to participate.
During the project execution there will be educational activities on topics such as: human rights, religious diversity, migration and refugees, inclusive societies, Europe citizenship and participation across the five participating countries and they will integrate not only minorities’ representatives, but NGOs, teachers, journalists, religious centres, etc…
Among the project’s objectives are the creation of a European Net of Support to Minorities through Media Activism (ENSUMMA), gathering all the materials created during the project as an European toolkit that will be made available through this website and disseminated through different social media channels, local and international media.