Our Valuable Team Members

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (FUNDEA)Leader
Is a highly specialized institution that works within the fields of cooperation, training and research. It aims to create a space for dialogue between Arab countries and those of the European Union. Created in 1995 in Granada thanks to the European Parliament agreement adopted in 1984 to create a Euro-Arab University, FUNDEA is ruled by a joint Board of Trustees, chaired by the Spanish Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, and further composed of the University of Granada and the regional government of Andalucía (Junta de Andalucía).
Is one of the lead organizations in the field of Global Citizenship Education and Global Learning in Austria, with official accreditations in the area of education and international awards. It works to raise awareness on global and development issues and sustainable development. Its publication Südwind Magazine is the most widely read journal on International Policiy, Culture and Development in Austria. Südwind focuses in 3 main working areas: education, media and campaigning. The organization has 7 offices in Austria and works as a platform for Austrian NGOs all over the country,with about 1200 members.
Association Mala Filozofija (Petit Philosophy)
Association Mala Filozofija (Petit Philosophy) Partner
Supports informal education, critical thinking and philosophy in practice. Petit Philosophy promotes the benefits of non formal education, especially critical thinking. The association works in Croatia with children from 3 years old to senior citizens. It also offers training for future teachers on the subject of philosophy for children. Thanks to its projects Croatian children and young people talk about transparency, corruption and the art of democracy, becoming one day free thinkers.
The Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation
The Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation Partner
Is a non-profit-organization that works to promote balanced development of border areas, especially in Lake Peipsi and the Chudskoe region in the Estonian and Russian border. In this multicultural and multilingual area their projects help to develop the population’s social skills to foster public participation. This Estonian organization (The Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation)has been working for 20 years on two main issues: environmental awareness and global education, and cross-border and development cooperation. Among other things, they specialized on developing educational materials and organizing workshops for schools on environmental topics.
The Open Society Foundation – Slovakia
The Open Society Foundation – Slovakia Partner
Has been working for the development of democracy, strengthening of the rule of law, protection of human rights and freedom in Slovakia for 23 years. During its existence the Foundation has provided support to over 5.500 projects in the form of grants, scholarships, training and international meetings. They pay special attention to the protection of minorities’ rights and have been involved in numerous projects and campaigns preventing and combating different forms of intolerance. Many of their projects are focused on the Roma communities. George Soros is the founder of Open Society Foundation, an American organization helping countries to make the transition from communism to democracy.