In 1954, by resolution 836(IX), the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children´s Day, to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children.

20 November is Universal Children´s Day.

The UN recommended that the Day was to be observed also as a day of activity devoted to promoting the welfare of the children of the world.

On 20 November 1959, the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and, in 1989 the same day, the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

From SISUMMA we want to talk about this. Do you think all children enjoy the same rights in Europe?

Do you think all countries and regions are joining efforts to build a living-friendly environment for children in the world through dialogues and actions, as the UN recommends?

From SISUMMA we want to open debates about current affairs related to our project. We would like to hear your voice via Facebook or Twitter to know how what´s happening affects your country. Let´s talk about it…