As World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017 draws to a close we would like to talk about inter-religious dialogue.
WIHW was unanimously adopted by the UN on 20 October 2010. Although it is based on a pioneering initiative, which started in 2007, for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in a dialogue based on two common fundamental religious Commandments: Love of God, and Love of the Neighbour.
The first week of February is observed all around the world as WIHW and many inspiring initiatives are shared in social media. ‘Love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbour’ it´s the chosen formula to include all people of goodwill, those of other faiths, and those with no faith.
It provides a platform for all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill to show the world what a powerful movement they are. Harmony, inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue, that might be the antidote to the raising trend of hatespeech and extremism in our world nowdays.
From SISUMMA we want to open debates about current affairs related to our project. We would like to hear your voice via Facebook or Twitter to know how what´s happening affects your country. Let´s talk about it…